lørdag 23. april 2011

fixing socks

I nålebound a pair of socks for my son. He has grown so much from last year and I decided that we should all three have nålebound socks when we are reenacting. He has longer feet than I have so I made them longer than I would have for me. And I didn't have his feet to try them on when I made them. I did some miscalculation the heel part turned out to be an inch or two too long... I thought they would fit some man I know and asked my brother to try them he is a size 42-43 and decided the socks were probably size 52... So I had to do something about them. So out with the scissors and cut off the toe where I wanted to start the toe reduction of stitches.
it was suprisingly simple. just cut the vertical stitches on a round and then pull the two parts from each other and pluck the short lengths of yarn sticking out. Then I unsew some to get a long enough end to splice a new length of yarn to it. Then I made a new toe and repeated it with the other sock. Then I took the toes and nålebound new socks of them, so now I have two pairs that fit, one for my son and one for me...

Jeg nålebandt et par sokker for gutten min. Han vokser så mye fortiden og har lengre føtter enn meg. Sokkene viste seg å bli for lange, jeg hadde ikke hans føtter å prøve etter når jeg lagde dem og jeg feilkalkulerte skikkelig på helen. Jeg tenkte at jeg finner vel en mann de passer til. Så jeg lot lillebroren min prøve de, han er str 42-43 og fant ut at han trodde sokkene var ca str 52! Siden jeg har bestemt meg for at vi alle tre skal ha nålebundne sokker i sommer fant jeg ut at jeg kunne lage om et stort par til to passende par istedet og klippet opp sokkene. Så lagde jeg en ny tå til de første sokkene og ny hel og skaft på tærne som var igjen. Så nå har jeg to par som passer...

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